Performing Analysis of Meteorological Data

Shantanu Pandey
4 min readJan 2, 2021

we are going to analyze the data from the Weather data-set of Finland, a country in Northern Europe. We are going to use the NumPy, pandas, and the matplotlib libraries of Python.

Following is the Hypothesis of the Analysis: “Has the Apparent temperature and humidity compared monthly across 10 years of the data indicate an increase due to Global warming.”

start with importing the required libraries and our data-set :

required libraries and our data-set

Preview of Top 5 entries using Head()

Dropping the unnecessary data.

check the Null value if Any.

Resampling our data.

Now it’s Time to plot.

both the peaks and the troughs are almost the same throughout the period of 10 years. Here is a plot of the average temperature and humidity of the month of April for over 10 years.

We can clearly see that there is a sharp rise in temperature in the year 2009 whereas there is a fall in temperature in the year 2015. Hence we can conclude that global warming has caused uncertainty in temperature over the past 10 years while the average humidity as remained constant throughout the 10 years.

we are going to analyze the data from the Weather data-set of Finland, a country in Northern Europe. We are going to use the NumPy, pandas, and the matplotlib libraries of Python.

Following is the Hypothesis of the Analysis: “Has the Apparent temperature and humidity compared monthly across 10 years of the data indicate an increase due to Global warming.”

start with importing the required libraries and our data-set :

required libraries and our data-set

Preview of Top 5 entries using Head()

Dropping the unnecessary data.

check the Null value if Any.

Resampling our data.

Now it’s Time to plot.

both the peaks and the troughs are almost the same throughout the period of 10 years. Here is a plot of the average temperature and humidity of the month of April for over 10 years.

We can clearly see that there is a sharp rise in temperature in the year 2009 whereas there is a fall in temperature in the year 2015. Hence we can conclude that global warming has caused uncertainty in temperature over the past 10 years while the average humidity as remained constant throughout the 10 years.

For the source code click here

I am thankful to mentors at for providing awesome problem statements and giving many of us a Coding Internship Exprience. Thank you

